It amazes me more every day how much I depend on my on-line friends to be there when I need someone to bitch and moan too. When I started getting sick and having so many health issues, it seemed like my real life friends just slowly disappeared. I'll never understand that, it's not like I did anything to them or that anything I had was contagious. I mean DUDE, you can't catch cancer or MS like it's the flu!
I could understand it if I was more of a complainer, but I'm one of those "keep it inside until you explode" kind of girls. Ask me how I am and I'll tell you I'm good, even if my pain level is a 20 on a scale of 1 to 10 or I can't feel my feet. I guess some people just can't handle being friends or a support system for someone who lives with a chronic disease.
So I've made friends with people from all over the world and I know all it takes is a post on a message board or a Facebook update and someone will be there to talk me down or pat me on the head when I need a little encouragement.
So thank you Al gore for inventing the Internet! Without it I would be one lonely girl.
Edward and Lucy Campbell at *The Old Mill in Palnackie* are not only
artists - they also create all their own paints, inks, pastels and pigments
from loc...
A lot of people are just uncomfortable with it, I think because they feel so bad when they see someone they care about struggling with an illness or disability, they can't bear to watch it. It's really too bad. I'm glad you have some online support at least.
Ditto! Here if you want to chat. Just viewed your blog for the first time today, you crack me up =)!!
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